Working Spain from the mobile

While I was running some errands yesterday, I decided to tune around the HF bands to see how conditions were doing. I noticed numerous DX stations on 10 meters, but wasn’t sure they’d hear my little mobile station. I stumbled across EA1DR (Oscar) in northern Spain who was coming in pretty strong. I pulled over into a parking lot and tried answering his CQ DX call numerous times, but to no avail. I pulled out of the parking lot and decided to try him one more time. Success! It was a short 30 second contact, but he said my mobile station was doing a great job into Spain. Amazing how one little contact like this can brighten up my day.

Something I’ve been trying to do more of is recording the audio of my HF QSO’s, at least the DX ones. I remembered to hit the record button on my iPhone audio app and captured this nifty QSO.


2 thoughts on “Working Spain from the mobile”

  1. hello, this is kg4aos, i found your site from youtube, pretty cool video and awesome u have a site with your callsign. i was just writing to let u know that the audio of the qso after the post about the spain dx doesn’t work. it says file not found. lol cuz i was looking forward to hearing it then it didn’t work, ok just letting u know, 73s – joe

    • Joe,

      Thanks for the report. I moved some files around awhile back and apparently forgot to upload that audio file back to the server. I’ve got it fixed now so give it another shot. Thanks again, 73!

      Stan, K9SWX


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